We made some evil Christmas radio ads

And designed some evil Christmas wrapping paper

Agency: Uncommon Creative Studio
Client: Avios
Illustrator: Tobias Hall


A tactical campaign for Avios that cut through the schmaltzy stuff to encourage people to keep half a mind on themselves this festive period by collecting Avios on all their Christmas shopping.

Primary media was OOH, print and radio. But, like any self-respecting Evil Genius, we also developed ambient and promotional ideas for a sackful of earned media. Go on, scroll on down…


We set up an Evil Genius Christmas Market stall that dropped 12 bog standard Christmas gifts for savvy Christmas shoppers to buy,  each item coming with a sleighful of Avios rewards.

A nice smelly thing’ with Avios enough to waft you over to NYC.

‘Novelty socks’ with Avios enough to dip your toes in the Mediterranean.

‘A weird coffee gadget’ with Avios enough to get your next flat white in Nairobi.